Chef Patrick about to launch new ‘Creative Labs’ venture

Chef Patrick possesses a very busy mind, full of ideas.

Not content with spear-heading the Science Fiction project a while back, Patrick Ruddell – or Chef Patrick as he’s known to most domainers – is about to launch a brand new project that appears to be related to brand generation.

A wise man once said, “give a man a domain and he will be happy for a year – teach them how to build new ventures and they will be happy forever.

Or something like that.

Chef Patrick has been playing with this particular idea for a while now, as he acquired the domain that will be the center point of his new venture in July of last year.

Sometimes, it does take time – and a few other events – to bring a project to fruition; once an idea has been tested in a virtual playground then modern domainer entrepreneurs kick-start a real business.

This is truly exciting news and while we cannot reveal the name of the business we have given you plenty of clues already 😀

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6 Responses to “Chef Patrick about to launch new ‘Creative Labs’ venture”
  1. BullS says:

    Does he need human guinea pigs for his experiments?

    Please choose me…I am worthy to be poked and pinched.

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  2. Jeff says:

    I always knew the day would come when Patrick was ready to launch a porn site…

  3. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    BullS – I doubt it but why offer yourself as a guinea pig?

    Jeff – No comments 😀

  4. Chef Patrick says:

    Man, you’re good! How the heck did you figure out I was doing something with Idea Playground?

  5. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Chef Patrick 😀 It took several hours of installing infrared cameras on the trees outside your home office 😀 Then the sound of keyboard typing – unique for each letter – was recorded; the combined data was fed to and one domain with your WHOIS came up 😀

  6. BullS says:

    I love experimental sex plays.

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