Extreme traffic load brings Domaining.com to its knees

Domaining.com was down due to extreme traffic from DomainGang.com

Domaining.com was down due to extreme traffic from DomainGang.com

It was bound to happen: popularity of the DomainGang article about Frank Schilling, Rick Schwartz and Dr. Kevin Ham (the man who owns the Internet) generated thousands of visits to Domaining.com – the Internet’s largest domain news aggregator.

For several hours during the night, the Domaining.com page displayed the “white flag of surrender“, alongside a database connection error. At that time, unfortunately, Francois Carrillo CEO of Cybertonic Inc. that owns the popular domain news aggregator, was fast asleep in the lovely area of Montpellier, France. Known for his support of domainers, Francois took a much-needed extra hour of sleep in order to recover from recent domain events he participated in.

Early in the morning, local French time, Domaining.com came back alive. We reached Francois over instant messenger and had a short conversation.

“Allo and bonjour, Francois. What happened, mon ami?”

“Ahhhhh, good mor-ning from France. Ugh, how do you say…merde happened! Haha. But we fixed, we fixed.”

“I see. Was traffic really that bad yesterday that the database queries brought the linux box down?”

“Leenux? Oh, no no no! We use Windows server, better works on server request, for sure. Ugh, how do you say…Leenux for script kiddies, we run professional service. So yes, not but.”

“Francois, the success of Domaining.com is bound to bring a lot of fresh croissants to your table, correct?”

“Haha! Oui, yes, the money is good, euro is good and dollar is good. Croissant, I like with orange jam and coffee. Tres savoureux!”

“We want to apologize for crashing your server’s database connections but people were searching for Frank Schilling and ended up at the Domaining.com newsfeed. That’s what popular names of domain celebrities, such as Frank, Rick Schwartz and Dr. Kevin Ham do.”

“Haha, yes. I know, I know. But listen, I have to go now and have shower, then talk to media about new project and then newsletter has to go out, okay? Au revoir Domaingang!”

In the future we will ensure that further mentioning of popular celebrity domainers, such as Frank Schilling, Rick Schwartz and Dr. Kevin Ham (the man who owns the Internet) will come with a warning that they might cause extreme stress to the underlying web server and the worldwideweb.

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5 Responses to “Extreme traffic load brings Domaining.com to its knees”
  1. Francois says:

    He he funy!
    6 months ago we started having problems when the SQL server was running for 24+ hours.
    I admit did not find any glorious solution other then schedule an automatic reboot each day at 10AM (Paris time). Once the server has sleep 5 mn it looks to be ready for 24 hours again (not like me).
    But if the stories of Franck, Kevin, Rick… and this domain gang continue I will need to schedule an additional automatic daily reboot to can sustain the pic of traffic ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Tia Wood says:

    Common. We all know it’s about my top 5 um 4 list for animal clothes.

  3. Patrick McDermott says:

    Hey, Francois is French which makes Domaining.com French.

    Everyone knows it doesn’t take much for the French to show the โ€œwhite flag of surrenderโ€œ.


  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    LOL Patrick

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