Registrar offers no-questions-asked domain returns to spite GoDaddy

OneDollarOne Promotions, a small domain registrar in Nashville, Tennessee is capitalizing on GoDaddy’s loss of appeal to consumers, due to the flip-flopping on the SOPA bill.

While offered the NoDaddy discount coupons, OneDollarOne Promotions offers a new perk for domainers that register more than 10 domains monthly.

“It’s a new promotion, don’t know if anyone else tried it but we’re willing to refund your money and have your domain deleted if you’re not happy with it, ” says Jean Paul Gaultervich of OneDollarOne Promotions.

“Unlike GoDaddy, that will suck your blood out of every penny and try to keep your domains hostage renewing them year after year, we will actually refund the price you paid when you registered it while under the influence,” adds Jean Paul.

The concept of domain refunds isn’t new; tasting of domains was a popular practice until registrars decided there was no cut for them. What’s new with regards to the OneDollarOne Promotions method is that they will refund your domain at any time, even 364 days later.

“That’s right, we have trust in our method and our customer base,” says Jean Paul Gaultervich.

“Our model is based on the statistically established belief that there are honest domainers out there that had one drink too many and registered some really bad domains that they need to get rid of. We will gladly refund the price, as long as they register 10 or more domains monthly with us,” the OneDollarOne Promotions manager added.

Regular pricing for OneDollarOne Promotions is $39 for .com, .net and .org registrations. The refund process is well-worth looking into, if you drink more than 1 beer per day.


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