XYZ to double its domain registration numbers with ingenious “hack”

The XYZ Registry is about to double its domain registration numbers, becoming the first new gTLD Registry with more than 11 million domains.

Using an ingenious “hack” that involves Bit Register Overlay Shift (BROS) technology, all .XYZ domains will co-exist in both lower and upper case.

“We’re about to bring innovation and revolutionize the domain industry with this great engineering trick,” said founder and CEO, Daniel Negari.

“Basically, we’ve created the ability to register lower case and UPPER CASE domains, as different entities, and that’s going to change how domains exist from now on,” added Negari.

As part of this revolutionary technological advancement that recognizes the capitalization of domains, the XYZ Registry will be able to double its existing number of registrations.

“Yes, we are grand-fathering all registered domains, so if you own it will generate and add to your account as well – try it out, if you don’t believe me!” exclaimed Daniel Negari, smiling.

This ingenious new approach to how domain names function will help dispel any concerns about the expected fallout from last year’s mass-registrations of “penny domains.”

Once domain grand-fathering is complete, new domain registrations will be case-dependent: and will be two entirely different domains.

“Anyone rushing to predict the demise of XYZ is a fool, we are here to stay and we are here to serve the needs of millions of millenials who just have to have an .XYZ domain,” added Daniel Negari.

Be on the lookout for your free lower case or UPPER CASE XYZ domains in the coming days and weeks, as this new technology spreads across the board.

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4 Responses to “XYZ to double its domain registration numbers with ingenious “hack””
  1. says:

    So, a competing company is now able to register your domain name with one letter difference?!
    So, if you own you should also prevent others registering:

    and finally leaving you with 9 anual recurring renewal fees!



  2. DomainGang says:

    SweetDot – That’s the beauty of the Bit Register Overlay Shift magic!

  3. Carlos Gargel says:

    It never happened, it was an stupid idea to make easy money!

  4. DomainGang says:

    Carlos – Joke’s on you, bro, it was a parody post.

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