An apology to Frank Schilling

Frank Schilling earned early on our recognition and admiration; not only as an uber-domainer, but also as one of the Three Pillars of Domaining. The other two are Rick Schwartz and Dr. Kevin Ham (aka, the man who owns the Internet.)

Frank’s remarkable path in life is why people still follow their dreams, and those that do stick to their focus are rewarded.

From the cold steppes of Canada, to the warm, inviting waters of the Cayman islands, Frank Schilling took charge of his life and squeezed all the lemons it gave him into juicy lemonade and eventually, rum cakes.

If Rick Schwartz is the Domain King ™ then Frank Schilling is the Renaissance Man of Domaining: inventive, efficient and most important, an endless producer of his own positive karma.

That’s why we follow Frank so often in our stories, real or parody, and that’s why Frank appreciates what we do.

Except, his appreciation of DomainGang got buried in a ton of emails from Nigerian scammers wanting to endow us with millions of euro stashed away in various Swiss Bank accounts.

An apology to Frank Schilling, for this misplaced quotation, which is now at the top of our reader testimonials as well.

“The deals are still out there for anyone willing to work at it. I miss many of the best ones these days. You just can’t do it all. I may be an uberdomaining phenomenon, but I still put my pants on one leg at a time and I get my industry news from the smartest, funniest repository of domain info on the web – right here at Keep on keeping it real!”

Thank you, Frank, you made our day. 😀

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