Brexit : Britain out of the EU – What this means for British domainers

My goodness me!

The advocates of Britain’s exit from the European Union have finally gotten their wish.

According to the referendum that took place yesterday across the UK, approximately 52% of the vote is in favor of leaving the European Union, which Great Britain joined in 1973.

Sadly, Britain’s departure will affect the economy in the UK, Europe and worldwide.

If you live in the UK, the pound sterling is already on a crash course, losing against the EUR and USD. The euro isn’t doing too good either, as Britain is a large part of the European Union’s economy, despite not participating in the eurozone.

What does the Brexit result mean for domain investors?

Most likely panic, bar fights and heavy drinking will ensue at first, but soon after, heavy drinking alone will continue as normal.

British companies such as YoYo Email Ltd. might finally dump their infringing dot .email portfolio, putting an end to pointless UDRP responses.

We foresee a switch from to .com as a direct investment, with thousands of British domainers migrating across the border to France; some might move to Spain, Italy or Greece, to catch some sunshine by the beach and do fuck-all.

The Booth brothers, Andy and James, are safe, having invested in premium .com domains for years, including generics and LLL .coms. Stay safe, mates!

Meanwhile, Minds+Machines might need to sell dot .Horse to American stable owners. Chinese domain investors might step in and register every dot .horse 5N, 6N and 7N domain.

If you live in the UK and are devastated by the referendum results as we are, please keep calm. And register a .com.

Keep Calm And Get a .Com.

Keep Calm And Get a .Com.

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3 Responses to “Brexit : Britain out of the EU – What this means for British domainers”
  1. Asset says:

    you may add that .EU can also drop in value 🙂

  2. DomainGang says:

    Asset – Dot .EU was never really an investor’s ccTLD.

  3. Observer says:

    Registrars like CENTRALNIC may benefit if their composition of revenues is mostly outside the UK since the FX will translate into more British pound under a depressed UK currency.

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