BuyDomains shocker: “ may be for sale”

A shocking domain lander at the popular domain marketplace, BuyDomains, leaves nothing to the imagination:

“ may be for sale.”

In a day that many domain sales occur behind closed doors, hundreds of domains change hands in private transactions, for millions of dollars.

But how much is worth?

According to domain estimation tool,, that uses data from Estibot, is worth approximately $15,000.

Surely, this can’t be true, but is the domain really for sale at BuyDomains? may be for sale, says BuyDomains. may be for sale, says BuyDomains.

Apparently, this is not the case, but rather, a case of sloppy programming by BuyDomains – allowing any domain name to be entered in that line.

Other venues, such as Domain Name Sales, perform a quick database check on a domain that is entered directly in their query forms, disallowing any such crafty searches.

Let’s hope that BuyDomains fixes this glitch before someone calls Mike Berkens to buy the domain ! 😀

This post is 100% true!

This post is 100% true!

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2 Responses to “BuyDomains shocker: “ may be for sale””
  1. Ron says:

    I am guessing this got added by a large portfolio parsing their domains… When you go directly to DNS website, and type in nothing shows up… So could be a domain tools error.

    Why not email dns and just ask them to correct this, class act organization there that handles a couple million domains, sometimes some get added by accident. I think you should remove this post, as you are trying to makes news from a non event onto this great company that helps all domainers.

  2. DomainGang says:

    Ron – I am reporting a true glitch, and thus your claim of a “non event” is ridiculous. DNS removed the domain – as proven by the screenshots – not too long after we posted this. Consider this a public service.

    You are also commenting in the wrong post.

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