Domain Dictator Dies Dramatic Death

Kim Jong Il is dead but so is the North Korean Internet.

North Korea’s Kim Jong Il has died – the long term dictator ruled North Korea for the past 17 years; in other words, the entire span of the commercial Internet so far!

The Domain Dictator Kim Jong Il created a legendary Internet black hole in Asia by depriving the people of North Korea not only of food, clothes and technology but also stealing their entrepreneurial dreams as well: only a handful of North Korean domains and web sites are registered.

The death of Kim Jong Il from a massive heart attack doesn’t necessarily bring a solution to the region’s problems; his apparent successor son Kim Jung Un is a military hardliner with a playboy twist.

Meanwhile, the domain name has long been in the hands of South Korean entrepreneurs, according to top WHOIS query tool, DomainTools.

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One Response to “Domain Dictator Dies Dramatic Death”
  1. RaTHeaD says:

    i always knew he was close to death… anytime you heard his name they said kim jong… ill.

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