Pudong is a district of Shanghai, China, and the domain name Pudong.com is currently being auctioned.
Pudong.com was originally registered in 1998, and its Chinese registrant somehow lost control of the domain name’s renewals. The domain expired, and eventually it dropped.
The auction is taking place on DropCatch – where else – with lots of interest from Chinese domain investors. It surely feels as if half of China’s investors are bidding! 😀
With less than 2 hours until the end of the auction, there are currently 209 bids from 57 individual bidders. The top bidder, Alibackorders, represents Chinese tech giant Alibaba, with a bid of $36,716 dollars.
Will it end above $50k? 😀

Pudong.com on auction at DropCatch
Googled who this bidder was. It doesn’t even seem like I should get into a bidding war with them as it looks like they’ll grab any domain at any price; the only winner in doing so would be DropCatch. 🙂
Just as I suspected. I put in my max which Alibaba chased up, inviting another person to join because of possible speculation… I dropped out when I hit the ceiling and they duked it out in the end for another $300.
And, of course, Alibaba took it for the win.
I don’t think you want to go against them unless you are going to use this as an end-user project or have a good contact to make a sale to as they will get the domain at any cost as their pockets are endless and I don’t believe they will stop once they have their mind set on a name.