Did it really sell for $30 grand during #NamesCon 2018?

The domain name was reported as sold on Sedo, for the sum of $8,500 dollars.

The sale would be considered to be on the low end of the domain’s valuation, particularly when there is a recorded sale of the domain for considerably more!

According to NameBio, the domain was sold for $30,000 dollars during the official auction at NamesCon 2018.

Did the seller on Sedo take a big hit, or did that sale in 2018 never complete?

We believe it’s the latter. Domain WHOIS records from DomainTools show that the same owner held the domain between 2013 and 2019. Although the domain’s WHOIS goes private on January 19, 2019, records from December 2018 show the same registrant as before the auction closed.

Somehow, it’s hard to believe that a $30k auction sale would take 11 months to complete.

Perhaps NameBio should require an official transaction record for the domain instead of the NamesCon 2018 results?

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