London rioters burn oldest Registrar

Rioters in London have burned to ashes the oldest domain registrar.

The situation in London and other surrounding cities is spiraling out of control: the rioters are now causing damage to virtual property such as domain names as well.

Not content with burning down H&M stores after looting the clothes and sexy underwear, the London thugs burnt down the oldest British domain registrar.

“It’s preposterous, utterly appalling”, said Thomas Bloring of Essex and a general manager for The King’s British Registry Limited.

“This morning I went to the office and found everything burnt down to smithereens. Nothing but ashes, including premium domains we’ve kept in the vault for decades!”

The destruction of old domains is irreversible, according to experts. The microcode that each domain contains is essentially a living organism, an evolving DNA that is etched for life onto the domain’s entity.

“We are looking at millions of pounds’ worth of damage”, said Thomas Bloring. “The King’s British Registry Ltd. has essentially been taken out of business by a group of punks that gained access to the building. I am shocked and devastated”, he added.

The King’s British Registry Ltd. was formed in 1989, as a real estate registry for the Royal horse stables, eventually evolving into the oldest domain registrar in the UK. It is not certain if they were insured by Lloyds.

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One Response to “London rioters burn oldest Registrar”
  1. BullS says:

    If the retailers have online business, they have noting to burn except bras and panties.

    This is good for the domain business because …..retailers will figure out that they cannot burn domains down.

    Burn Domains Burn.

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