Monday productivity skyrockets as Facebook crashes

Facebook crashed today for more than two hours, and millions of bored workers around the world returned to their tasks, being actually productive.

According to Beeg-Dix Data Research, productivity for that 120 minute window went up 48.5%.

“I wasn’t able to check out the page of Boo the dog for two damn hours, that’s a shocker!” exclaimed Mary Beth Smith, a nurse from Colorado who works at a hospice clinic.

“We are expected to take breaks and nothing can be done without Facebook these days, I had to finish off changing a patient’s diapers, imagine that!” she added, visibly dejected.

Boasting more than one billion active users since October, Facebook is becoming a major distraction from work, especially on Mondays.

“Had to work until closing time as Facebook was down, what a downer!” said Matt Focker of Clermont, Florida.

“I feel as if I wasted time, doing my job for two straight hours with no instant messages from my buds, my rights were violated!” he added.

Hopefully, none of that will be repeated tomorrow, Tuesday, when millions of people return to yet another day at work to spend a large chunk of it on Facebook.

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One Response to “Monday productivity skyrockets as Facebook crashes”
  1. BullS says:

    Thank God we don’t have to see all those sh*it faces

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