Olive.com operators file for trademark registration at the USPTO

Illinois-based Repair Ventures LLC, operators of the domain Olive.com, have filed for the registration of the matching trademark, OLIVE.COM, at the USPTO.

The mark was applied for the following services, with a first date of use May 3, 2021:

Providing vehicle service agreements on vehicles manufactured by others for mechanical breakdown and servicing; providing mechanical breakdown insurance coverage for motor vehicles; providing motor-vehicle service contracts that cover the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles; providing insurance services, namely, mechanical breakdown coverage for motor vehicles; providing brokerage services in the field of motor-vehicle insurance.

Olive.com is not related to the nutritious fruit, but instead a provider of mechanical breakdown coverage for vehicles. The domain Olive.com was acquired via the Uniregistry Market on or around April 9, 2021. The company shared a press release on April 20, 2021, detailing the domain’s acquisition and the rebranding:

We are thrilled to announce the acquisition of olive.com. This is a direct response to the olive brand growth. Our demographics have shown that 50+% of consumers that purchased an olive plan have never purchased mechanical breakdown coverage before, therefore we want to make olive easy to access and simple to find. Based on a recent olive customer survey, we are proud to state that 97% of customers would recommend olive to a friend or family member, and that is very important to us,” says Paul Sherman, CMO of olive®.


Why was OLIVE.COM applied for as a trademark at the USPTO?

It’s an ongoing trend among owners of generic domain names, following the decision by SCOTUS on the Booking.com trademark application.

Since then, dozens of generic domain names have been applied to be registered as trademarks, inclusive of the TLD. We report on these applications, and so far several have been decided upon.

As of January 5th, 2021, BOOKING.COM is a registered trademark with the USPTO.

Will these applications become the new norm? Watch this video from NamesCon Online 2020.

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