To-do list if you’re attending the ICANN meeting in Colombia

The next meeting of ICANN will take place in Colombia in October.

It’s rather strange that ICANN selects locations where political or social conflicts would normally hinder even the most adventurous traveler from visiting.

One would speculate that the imminent launch of the Colombian .co ccTLD might have something to do with it; perhaps the ICANN board’s finances should be scrutinized. Just saying!

Regardless, if you are looking forward to taking a trip to that beautiful country, there are a couple of things that you need to be aware of.

Here’s a not-exhaustive list that should get you started.

  • Bodyguards: you will need 4 – one per direction with you in the middle.
  • Full body armor: even with your ‘gorillas’ you’d need physical protection if you plan to exit the hotel and wander around.
  • Chained suitcase: lock your domain portfolio to your hand. Although, without the two items above you might end up losing your hand and your chained suitcase.
  • Beautiful Latina companions: cabrón, you need to show that with bodyguards, full body armor and a chained suitcase you can get all the chicas you need.
  • Fat cigar: smoking a cuban is an indication you went to the ICANN meeting and you mean business. Show them who’s boss!

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11 Responses to “To-do list if you’re attending the ICANN meeting in Colombia”
  1. Cartagena is just ICANN’s warm-up for the Big One: Mogadishu.

  2. Cartagena is just ICANN’s warm-up for the Big One: Mogadishu.

  3. tricolorro says:


    Bring your own necktie.

    You definitely don’t want a Columbian one.

  4. BullS says:

    If you don’t agree with them, all they have to do is snap their fingers and you are gone!!!

  5. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Tricolorro – That’s very graphic. Ouch. I might not eat sheep for a while.

    David – You’re correct. ICANN picks locations that would make “Survivor” pale in comparison.

  6. You Suck from Mexican IP says:

    Idiot. idiots. And you do it every time. Offer your homes for the meetings if you don’t like going where the Internet means more than jerking off with names.

  7. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    You Suck – Qué? Inglés por favor, hijo de puta. 😀

  8. Oscar says:

    Dear Sir, I’m from Colombia and I understand you are trying to be funny but this article is very disrespectful, please remove it.

    Thank you.

  9. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Dear Oscar – You are correct about the humorous approach that apparently you disagree with. We don’t remove articles. Perhaps, you could write your own reasons why ICANN’s choice of Colombia was right.

  10. John Taylor says:

    What a bunch of ignorants, Colombia’s security issues in the 90s are long gone.

    Colombia is now one of the top tourism destinations in South America, especially Cartagena which is a history-rich city, with beautiful beaches and sorroundings. That’s the real reason why it was selected by ICANN for its meeting.
    Check this out:

  11. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    John Taylor – If ICANN wants to go on vacation to resorts with “beautiful beaches and surroundings” they should pay out of pocket, not with our funds. Two million dollars for a conference?

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