Why Trump is great .com : Great example of an exact match domain name

Why Trump is great, is the affirmative form of the question, “Why is Trump great?

Attempting to answer this political question, the registrant of the domain WhyTrumpIsGreat.com makes an effort to justify this statement.

Trump’s greatness during the first three weeks of his presidency is evident; no other US president has polarized the country faster.

The web site at WhyTrumpIsGreat.com cites this as its mission:

“A comprehensive list of reasons why Donald Trump is the most fit president we have ever seen”

An exact match domain name, no doubt, aspiring to rise high in the SEO echelons, as most “long tail” domains do.

Registered just a few days ago, it’s worth paying a visit or two, so check out WhyTrumpIsGreat.com.

Hat tip to Braden Pollock for the link. 😀

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2 Responses to “Why Trump is great .com : Great example of an exact match domain name”
  1. Bul says:

    Let me tell you something you don’t know about the Trump marketing machine. They sue EVERYBODY. You touch a domain with Trump in it and you’re fired. The registrant of that domain is going to loose it very soon.

  2. DomainGang says:

    Bul – LOL. Go to Trump.org.

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