Want to write for DomainGang?

If you’re an exceptional copywriter, possess superb comprehension skills, and are baptized in the holy waters of the domain industry from head to toes, we’d like to hear from you.

Chances are that you are able to write complete yet lengthy sentences, often segmented by semicolons; this grammatical eloquence helps people understand long passages better, without sacrificing on copy quality.

Our domainer readers are educated, classy, and mostly Westerners. We block the entire country of China for very specific reasons.

English must be your first, second or even third language, and you must possess a computer keyboard that is not designed for World of Warcraft gaming.

At the DomainGang & Saper Law booth.

Our virtual office, next to Saper Law.

If you’re willing to pay us $100 dollars for every article that you write, we’d love to hear from you.

Humor appreciation is an essential requirement, and a way of living. We do not conform to a stand-up comedy repertoire, and there is no punch line to our content.

For more information, locate our contact email on the About Us page, and send us your article ideas.

While we cannot promise to publish all articles, all monetary submissions are welcome, as long as they are legal tender.

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