I have a superb business idea! – Harriet Gold entrepreneur mom talks about her success with long tail domains

Harriet Gold is a typical entrepreneur mom, who spends her free time attending soccer games for her twin boys, Elohim and Nephilim – all while jotting down ideas arriving in a flash during her lunches and dinners.

“I had a superb business idea!”, says Harriet, smiling. “I was eating sweet spicy mustard and pretzels at the same time yesterday, and it came upon me like a message from God. Sweet, spicy mustard covered pretzels – wowza! I immediately tapped my iPhone to GoDaddy.com and registered SweetSpicyMustardCoveredPretzels.com, and I strongly believe that’s a fantastic business idea.”

Harriet is not a newcomer to domains. Before her bitter divorce in 2005 over an argument with her ex husband regarding which domain registrar is the best, Harriet was a habitual registrant of domain names. Harriet owns such long tail gems as FloridaVacationsAtTheBeaches.com, WalkingYourPuppy.com, FantasticSoccerMoms.org and many more.

Her former husband has a different idea about Harriet, though.

“I’m so glad I got divorced. She’d stay up late registering those long-ass domains, saying how great each and every one was for a business project she’d instantly create in her head. I mean, these long domains sucked ass but she’d throw a fit every time I’d tell her. She probably spent five grand over a bunch of domains she never actively developed. I am glad I’m thousands of miles away from that domain addict, although I miss my boys. They visit every summer.”

Harriet is one of an ever-increasing group of domain owners that register long, descriptive domains of 3 or more words. These phrases, are rarely used and thus appear on Google almost instantly upon creating a basic WordPress blog. This makes domainers think that their domains are unique, rare gems that nobody had thought of until they did. Some doctors give a name to this condition, called megalodomania.

Meanwhile, nothing seems to phase Harriet Gold and her habitual registration of long-tail domains. In the time it took us to edit this interview, Harriet was celebrating the hand registration of CheesecakeSpecialCakes.com and EatingWhileSleeping.org – a domain with great potential, she said, about people that tend to munch in their sleep.

Harriet’s registrar of choice – GoDaddy.com – is rather happy with her registrations and Bob Parsons mailed her a holiday eCard personally.

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15 Responses to “I have a superb business idea! – Harriet Gold entrepreneur mom talks about her success with long tail domains”
  1. jeff says:

    Perhaps Tia could introduce Ms Gold to DNRehab.com!

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Jeff, that’s a splendid idea. I wonder how much Tia charges per treatment and whether it involves shocking or not.

  3. Shawn says:

    Tap that ass like you’re the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man! 😀

  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Shawn, let me ask Harriet if she likes that flavor.

  5. Patrick McDermott says:

    “GoDaddy.com – is rather happy with her registrations and Bob Parsons mailed her a holiday eCard personally.”

    My GoDaddy insider connection tells me Bob has asked Harriett to become a GoDaddy Girl.

    Harriett has agreed but says she needs to lose a few pounds first and that’s # 1 on her 2010 New Year’s resolution agenda.

    I hope she realizes she’ll never accomplish THAT resolution eating pretzels whether covered with mustard, marshmellow or even plain.

  6. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Patrick, Harriet might be a “big boned” girl but nobody got fat by eating sweet, spicy mustard. It’s rather nutritious and complements the salty pretzels well.

  7. David says:

    You simply don’t realize how wrong you are in thinking a multi-word long domain is less valuabe than the kind of short names still available for registration or in a typical domainers portfolio of shorter names. I am confident my best group of long tails get better uniques and typeins vs your best 20 short names.

  8. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    David, RidiculousCommentatorsDontGetTheMessage.com is available 😀

    But since you are *so* confident, post your long-tails here; a big opportunity for them to gain a powerful backlink from DomainGang and lots of free appraisals from the domainer crowd. We also offer a free “Domains For Sale” page if you’re interested.

  9. LongTailShlongTail
    — needs HYPENS to be a real money maker…

    I wonder if she’d want to Co-Dev this with me:


    — stand up and dance with me to —

    ~Patricia – DomainBELL

  10. Patrick McDermott says:

    “I am confident my best group of long tails get better uniques and typeins vs your best 20 short names.”

    This is the domainer’s version of “My penis is bigger than yours”.

  11. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    In domains, the shorter the better LOL

  12. Elliot says:

    Come on… couldn’t you see the point of my post had nothing to do with pretzels or an actual business idea?

  13. Ronald Regging says:


  14. Ronald Regging says:


    Seriously David? Lol.

  15. David says:

    Those who flamed me about this issue should know that 97% of the short domains listed on the various forums including DNF are worthless pieces of crap (that would not sell even for $1 or be accepted by anyone else if offered at the board free) but many ignorant domainers believe simply because they are short it somehow makes them better vs quality long-tails.

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