Numbers : What percentage of Uniregistry gTLDs are GoDaddy customers?

Domain Name Wire broke the shocking news that GoDaddy isn’t supporting Uniregistry gTLDs any longer.

Whether this is a temporary or a permanent suspension, there is no way currently to register any of the Uniregistry gTLDs at

The embargo involves gTLDs that were not included in the price increase as well, so this is clearly a decision against Uniregistry’s gTLDs as a whole.

What percentage of Uniregistry gTLDs are GoDaddy customers?

We ran some calculations on the gTLDs that recently received wholesale price increases from Uniregistry; that’s 16 out of 26 total.

Data is shown below:

GoDaddy : Its relationship to Uniregistry.

In a nutshell, there are 18,132 gTLD domains at GoDaddy, that belong to gTLDs affected by the price increase by Uniregistry. That’s 2.76% of the Uniregistry total, which is not a substantial number.

We would assume the remaining 10 gTLDs produce an analogous number of registrations.

It’s also evident that the gTLDs with the highest price increases, to $100 dollars or $300 dollars, represent a higher percentage of total volume for these gTLDs at GoDaddy, ranging from 11.49% for .Property to 24.8% for .Hiphop.

In contrast, GoDaddy registrations of .Link and .Click that received the least amount of price increase, are at 0.67% and 1.6% respectively.

It is not clear, at this point, whether the decision by GoDaddy to step aside from Uniregistry gTLDs was unilateral.

Note: Calculations were made on domain registration data extracted from and no warranty is made about how accurate or up to date these numbers are.

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3 Responses to “Numbers : What percentage of Uniregistry gTLDs are GoDaddy customers?”
  1. Mark says:

    This is a message sent to all new GTLD registries. You don’t control your pricing, Godaddy does.

    Uniregistry was smart to build its own registrar

  2. Dn Ebook says:

    Wow I just heard this news …..suicide by registrer

  3. Dn Ebook says:


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