Seven with Sedo:,,, and 283 other .CO domains in auction

Sedo, our premium sponsor, is rolling out a week-long .CO auction of hand-picked domain names. Featuring 286 .CO domains the Sedo .CO auction takes place between July 18-25, 2024. All domains are listed with a low reserve price of 99 (USD/EUR/GBP.) From the list we picked 7 domains for this edition’s “Seven with Sedo.” Naturally, […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP: A 1994 domain saved with Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision

The WIPO handled the UDRP between Young Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Xiaopeng Zhou, registrant of the domain name, registered in 1994. Young Pharmaceuticals claimed that the domain name, identical to their trademark YOUNG, was used in bad faith and sought its transfer. However, the panel found that the Respondent, a domain investor, had no prior […]

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Global terminal outage as Cloud Brokers join Atom program en masse!

Since 4:49am Eastern time today, a global outage has affected terminals and other smart devices with a screen around the globe, crashing systems and disrupting the normal flow of travelers. The incident is under investigation by Microsoft and a cursory analysis indicates that it’s due to more than 300,000 people joining the Atom Cloud Broker […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP filed against a domain registered in 2005

Venderstorm Ventures GmbH & Co. KG, filed a UDRP against the domain, claiming rights to the “BABISTA” trademark, acquired through various registrations and domain names associated with their men’s fashion brand. The Respondent, PTB Media Ltd, a domain name investor based in Hong Kong, had registered the disputed domain name in 2005, which […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. A 1996 domain was hit with a UDRP—Here’s why the Complainant lost

Eisco Scientific LLC filed a UDRP seeking the transfer of the domain name from its registrant. The Complainant argued that the domain name was identical to its trademarks and that the respondent had no legitimate interests in it, and was using it in bad faith. Eisco Scientific LLC presented its registered trademarks, claiming the […]

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Domain magic: Namecheap handles almost 15,000 support tickets a day

Running a domain registrar is not suited for the faint-hearted. It’s not just the financial burden and the obligations to security and data privacy but also the amount of work associated with supporting your products, including domain names under management (DUM.) To operate successfully and be commercially viable, domain registrars need to demonstrate reliability and […]

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Freename makes history as first Web3 Registrar with ICANN accreditation

(Paid content) – Freename proudly announces its landmark achievement as the first Web3 registrar globally to receive ICANN accreditation, marking a pivotal moment in merging traditional domains with a Web3 platform. This milestone highlights the increasing synergy between traditional and Web3 domains, representing a significant leap forward in the domain industry. Integrating ICANN Standards with […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Domain Investment Index report for Q2/2024 released its Domain Investment Index report for the second quarter (Q2/2024) of this year. It is an important quarterly report that takes the pulse of the domain industry’s metrics. In Q2/2024, facilitated domain name sales totaling $90 million USD, a 7% increase from the total of $84 million USD in domain name sales […]

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Tesla candy: Trademark applications snatched up by dubious domain investors

Tesla, Inc. is an electrical vehicle (EV) manufacturer and a corporation founded by Elon Musk, operating from the domain name that it paid millions of dollars to acquire. With that in mind, Tesla is not just an electric vehicle manufacturer and this is obvious from four recent applications to register an equal number of […]

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#Sedo : Domain sales report | July 16, 2024 — sold for $95,000 dollars

Sedo domain sales report: Top sale is that was sold for $95,000 dollars. Welcome to the latest domain sales report by Sedo; this time we cover the week ending on July 16, 2024. This information has been provided by, kind sponsors of DomainGang. The Sedo marketplace sells great domains 24/7 providing a great […]

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Spartan Simplicity: Streamlining your domain portfolio for maximum impact

The Spartans were a Greek tribe known for their simplicity and focus, traits that contributed significantly to their military prowess. Their austere lifestyle and disciplined approach to training and combat enabled them to build one of the most effective military forces in ancient Greece; it also led to the modern use of the word spartan […]

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Thomas Matthew Crooks: Would-be assassin name domains already being traded

The attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump dominated the US news this weekend. An act of mindless violence, the assassination attempt was carried out by 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks. While the nation is still numb from the visuals of the attempt that was fully captured in broad daylight, a lot of questions […]

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