Fair market value and the ultimate domain that defines just that

Fair market value (FMV) as it applies to domain names is the price that a domain name would sell for on the open market. There are some conditions that would have to be met: Having a willing buyer and seller and both parties are knowledgeable, with the market conditions being open and neither party is […]

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Two top domainers fought for “The Love .com” – Who won the domain?

It’s a fun Sunday when DropCatch auctions close at 3:00pm Eastern. The domain TheLove.com was bid heavily on, with several domainers topping each other’s bids during the final 2 days of the auction. Eventually, the dropped domain TheLove.com was won by none other than Drew Rosener of Media Options, whose username at DropCatch is Takes2ToTango. […]

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Jason Fried: This is how we bought the domain Once.com

Jason Fried, CEO of 37signals, detailed his acquisition of the domain name Once.com. The ultra-premium domain name was sold by domain investor, Braden Pollock. The sale of Once.com took place over the course of a week and it went very smoothly, something to be expected from Braden! Said Jason Fried about how easy it was […]

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Raw.org sold by Legal Brand Domains

The aged, single word LLL domain Raw.org has been sold by by Legal Brand Domains, the domain boutique founded by Braden Pollock. Raw.org has moved into German ownership, per the WHOIS records, indicating that XOR Ventures GmbH, a company founded in 2021, are the new owners. Registered in 1999, Raw.org appears to have been acquired […]

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Investors: You can only sell this domain Once.com

You can only sell this domain once, they say—unless you buy it back. In the case of Once.com, domain investor, entrepreneur, and social media darling, Braden Pollock, acquired the domain seeking an once in a lifetime sale. Once.com was registered in 1998, although it most definitely existed prior and somehow dropped. The domain Once.com was […]

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Gosh.com : Quick flip between domainers reveals list of awesome #domains

Gosh! What a great industry. The matching domain, Gosh.com, changed hands recently between two active domain investors. Domain investor, Andy Booth, acquired this gem recently, only to part ways with it very quickly. Who bought it? None other than Braden Pollock of Legal Brand Domains, who took Gosh.com home among an ever-growing collection of ultra […]

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Sex.co : Was this the biggest .CO #domain sale of 2016?

The internet is 99% about sex, or so it seems. Adult content in more or less graphic format has existed since before the commercialization of the internet and has sustained it since. It goes without saying that sex-related domain names can sell for big bucks and for several years the sale of Sex.com was gracing […]

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Failed app? No worries – #domain Detour.com has changed hands

Detour.com is no longer a failed app on the Google Play store, as it’s taken a detour and in the possession of a popular domain investor, Braden Pollock. Legal Brand Domains appear to have acquired this great domain a few days ago. Changes to the WHOIS indicate that the transaction occurred on September 24. Formerly […]

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Canadian #cannabis merchant acquired MoodRing.com

When you think of a mood ring, it brings back memories from the funky 70s. MoodRing.com on the other hand is a brand new range of cannabis products, with a reference to whatever you’re in the mood for. The domain was acquired by self-proclaimed cannabis merchant, Lisa Campbell, an enterprising Canadian involved with the commercial […]

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Mike Mann : Schilling trumps Schwartz, as do other #domainers!

Domain investor and entrepreneur, Mike Mann, made a strange statement today, regarding who is a better domainer – Frank Schilling, or Rick Schwartz. Following a series of tweets staking claim to the “Domain King” title, Mike Mann now shared a number of domain investors, all “dramatically better” domainers than Rick Schwartz: Frank Schilling is also […]

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#Domainer auction : Braden Pollock acquires EndUser .com

Domain investor and legal marketing aficionado, Braden Pollock, has acquired the domain name, EndUser.com. The domain was sold twice in recent memory on NameJet, first in October for $4,100 dollars, and then again three days ago, selling for $4,600 dollars. In other words, its previous owner made a $425 flip profit in just over two […]

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Number 8 : Single digit .ORG in the hands of a domain investor

PIR, the .ORG domain registry, launched Project 94 a few years ago; the allocation of one or two letter/number .ORG domains to benefit communities. When .ORG first emerged in 1985, certain policies and recommendations required that a registry “set aside” a select number of domain names for future registration. Among this group of reserved names […]

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