Gosh.com : Quick flip between domainers reveals list of awesome #domains

Braden Pollock – Legal Brand Domains.

Gosh! What a great industry.

The matching domain, Gosh.com, changed hands recently between two active domain investors.

Domain investor, Andy Booth, acquired this gem recently, only to part ways with it very quickly.

Who bought it?

None other than Braden Pollock of Legal Brand Domains, who took Gosh.com home among an ever-growing collection of ultra premium domains.

In the same transaction, Braden took home four other spectacular domains:

  • Laura.com
  • Jake.com
  • Imperial.com
  • WorldClass.com

Braden Pollock’s collection of superb domains is ever expanding. Recently, he acquired Exam.com, a domain that crosses over both the pharmaceutical and educational industries!

Currently, Braden’s inventory of dictionary .com domains contains 185 amazing domains. Check them out.

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