Dr. Kevin Ham: Life lessons from Ham.com

In the early 2000s, domain investor and entrepreneur, Dr. Kevin Ham, was called “The Man Who Owns The Internet.” Business publications such as CNN reinforced the profile of a man who controlled thousands of domain names, profiting from their earned revenue. Eventually, Kevin Ham sold his empire, Vertical Axis, for up to $50 million dollars […]

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Mike Mann : Schilling trumps Schwartz, as do other #domainers!

Domain investor and entrepreneur, Mike Mann, made a strange statement today, regarding who is a better domainer – Frank Schilling, or Rick Schwartz. Following a series of tweets staking claim to the “Domain King” title, Mike Mann now shared a number of domain investors, all “dramatically better” domainers than Rick Schwartz: Frank Schilling is also […]

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5 SEO Non-Expert Tips for the Expert SEO

The top five non-expert spam SEO tips for the Expert SEO that guarantees short lived quick traffic. Name Drop. Name Drop. Name Drop. Name drop any chance you get. For instance: Frank Schilling, Rick Schwartz and Kevin Ham. Include reasons why you like them. Regurgitate their accomplishments and include links to their blog so they […]

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