Dr. Kevin Ham: Life lessons from Ham.com

In the early 2000s, domain investor and entrepreneur, Dr. Kevin Ham, was called “The Man Who Owns The Internet.” Business publications such as CNN reinforced the profile of a man who controlled thousands of domain names, profiting from their earned revenue. Eventually, Kevin Ham sold his empire, Vertical Axis, for up to $50 million dollars […]

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Domain Dictator Dies Dramatic Death

North Korea’s Kim Jong Il has died – the long term dictator ruled North Korea for the past 17 years; in other words, the entire span of the commercial Internet so far! The Domain Dictator Kim Jong Il created a legendary Internet black hole in Asia by depriving the people of North Korea not only […]

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Paparia! Frank Schilling’s got some cojones

We continue our trip into the uncharted territory of uber-domainer, Frank Schilling – one of the three standing pillars of domaining (the other two being Rick Schwartz and Dr. Kevin Ham, a.k.a. “The Man who owns the Internet”.) There’s no question about it: Frank owns some awesome domains, like Note.com that has become an aimless […]

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Nespresso or Champagne? Frank Schilling’s mysterious naked lady

Frank Schilling’s return as a writing behemoth of all things related to domaining has been more than welcome. While Frank lacks the evangelical impact that Rick Schwartz’s words seem to have, he definitely is one of the three pillars of domaining; the third one being Dr. Kevin Ham – the man who owns the Internet. […]

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North Korea: We cut ties with the Internet!

One of the biggest technological black holes on the Internet is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – also known as North Korea. Ruled by the short, bespectacled dictator Kim Jong Il, North Korea has removed itself from the Internet map years ago. There are no private Internet service providers in North Korea. Kim Jong […]

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How to be an Uber-Domainer – The Quick Guide to Success

Although it can be argued that uber-domainers are not made but are born, this elite class of domain entrepreneurs that well exceed the expectations of average domainers requires a detailed study. Through their success and passion, such uber-domainers as Frank Schilling, Rick Schwartz, Dr. Kevin Ham – also known as the man who owns the […]

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Hank Alvarez more famous than Frank Schilling, Rick Schwartz and Dr. Kevin Ham

Current search stats released by Alexa & Google show that Hank Alvarez – the notorious former VP (vigilante programmer) of Engineering at Snapnames – is now more famous that the three pillars of domaining: Frank Schilling, Rick Schwartz and Dr. Kevin Ham (known as “the man who owns the Internet“.) Hank Alvarez tops searches at […]

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