E.ee: Estonian single letter domain auctioned off for 220,000 euro

The Estonian Internet Foundation (EIS) is holding an auction of reserved and single-character .ee domains, the ccTLD of Estonia.

EIS blocked single letter .ee domains in 2011, along with Estonian geo-domains and country names. The ongoing auction has already delivered E.ee as a freshly registered single letter domain, for the sum of 220,000 euro ($237,707 dollars.)

The domain e.ee was sold for 220,000 euro

According to Heiki Sibula, board member of the Estonian Internet Foundation, the domain auction is a historic event:

“It is clear that the Estonian top-level domain .ee continues to be popular and reliable. Single-character domains provide a unique opportunity to become the owner of a prominent address, which is why they are attractive all over the world. At the same time, the participants of the auction also contribute to the development of the Internet in Estonia.”

In the coming weeks, two more single letter .ee domains, D.ee and X.ee will be auctioned off. For the full auction list click here.

The most popular Estonian domain in use must be LinkTr.ee!

Many thanks to our friend Sven from Estonia for the news.

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