turns 15

It was a dark and stormy night…

As a matter of fact, I don’t recall what was the weather like on September 26, 2009; most probably a typical Florida autumn day with rain in the early afternoon.

But I do remember the excitement of doing something fun and different, mixing instances of real news and hand-crafted parody content in a way that readers would come back for more.

And they did.

Now, fifteen years later, there are millions of pageviews and as many as 14,000 articles. I’m proud of my work that has delivered news and smiles to thousands of readers over the course of these 15 years in existence. I’m grateful to those who saw that it’s ok to be different and supported me early on.

Speaking of support, a big THANK YOU goes out to the companies and individuals that utilized my publication’s great outreach to promote their products and services. I’m happy to be bringing value to your engagement with my readers.

Last but not least, a warm thank you to the guys and girls of the domain industry and all of my peers who provided ideas, suggestions, and material that has kept going for the past 15 years.

Onto the next article, and beyond.

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3 Responses to “ turns 15”
  1. BullS says:

    15+ more years

    Hope I have contributed to the success!!

  2. Walrus says:

    Happy 15 year,Domain Gang!!! Cheers to more decades .

    Thank you to your post and fun articles.😅.

  3. Joe Styler says:

    Happy Anniversary to you and your blog!

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