When you deal in cash, you can also buy domains in cash.
Sheikh Amin Hossein of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, allegedly acquired the domain name CryptoDesk.com from its previous owner, paying the equivalent of $500,000 dollars in cash.
The buyer flew to Singapore hauling a bright pink carry-on. The transaction is dramatically recorded in a video:
The seller, Alessandro De Stasio, founder and CEO of Artscapy, appears to have acquired CryptoDesk.com via DropCatch in 2018, for a mere $4,605 dollars. Source: NameBio.
That being said, it’s not clear if the 500,000 figure is indeed US dollars as the packs of cash shown in the video are clearly dirhams. Five hundred thousand dirhams are worth $136,124 dollars.
Alessandro De Stasio briefly haggles with Sheikh Amin Hossein before they agree on the price. The seller transfers the domain and they shake hands once the buyer confirms its receipt. Yallah!
Paying cash for a domain name isn’t news. Greek-American prodigy domainer, Mike Bahlitzanakis, did that years ago with the acquisition of the domain Select.com.
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