Attila and Maxwell join the DomainGang team

DomainGang is growing, and without any further ado I’m excited to introduce two great guys who have joined the team.


Attila Steven

Attila Steven is a domain investor, developer and entrepreneur from the US west coast, who lived for several years in China and Asia. His sense of humor is often whacked, and for that reason he’s a great fit!

In his own words:

I am Attila, not to be mistaken for Attila the Hun, although I have contemplated changing my last name to Hun, just for shits and giggles.  I’m Hungarian by heritage, was born in Canada (1984) and grew up in the USA (1987 ~ 2004). After spending 7+ years (2004 ~ 2012) in Asia (Hong Kong, China, Philippines) for business, I found my way back to the land of the free.

I focus most of my time learning, traveling, exploring and going on crazy but exciting adventures. Living life to the max and enjoying each day this wonderful world has to offer. I am a lifetime entrepreneur type of guy, serial traveler, comedian, prankster and a wonderful cook. I also like to cuddle, but only for 10 minutes max (back pains a bitch, jk).

I bought my first name, Attila dot com 5 years ago. Along with several hundred other premium dot coms utilized as investment. Thank you 2008/2009 financial crisis. Hoping to bring you some good stories, news and misc pranks along my journeys!


Maxwell Arnold

Maxwell Arnold is a computer genius and an avid businessman from Canada, majoring in fashion. He’s a prolific writer and a domainer extraordinaire. His first article was published today, so don’t miss it.

In his own words:

I’m Maxwell Arnold and I have been using a computer since I was three years old.

I’ve also done a quarter of a million cold calls, can talk really fast, and can distil almost any concept down into layman’s terms.

Currently, I’m entering my final year to earn a bachelor’s degree in fashion, with aspirations to go into law.

Looking forward to bringing lots of exciting articles, news and even some hilarious write-ups from this talented duo, Attila and Maxwell.

Gentlemen, start your domain engines! 😀



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2 Responses to “Attila and Maxwell join the DomainGang team”
  1. Francois says:

    Attila is a nice guy and Maxwell looks to be one.


  2. HowieCrosby says:

    Welcome! Keep that cheeky gang out of check!

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