Daniel Negari, CEO of dot .XYZ, appears jubilant in a newly released video, where he “blows his own horn” to signify the launch of .XYZ.
You can watch this .XYZ video below.
Meanwhile, a couple of domain registrations that caught our attention.
Mike Berkens of Most Wanted Domains grabbed THE.XYZ – a nice catch of a short, memorable domain. It appears to be parked at Domain Name Sales.
Another nice grab was made by Drew Rosener of Media Options, who secured 420.XYZ and promptly placed it for sale at Sedo. The BIN appears to be $9,999.
How many .XYZ domains did you register?
- Zero (72%, 64 Votes)
- One (3%, 3 Votes)
- Two - Five (2%, 2 Votes)
- Six - Ten (8%, 7 Votes)
- Eleven - Twenty-Five (2%, 2 Votes)
- Twenty-Six - Fifty (7%, 6 Votes)
- Fifty-One - One Hundred (3%, 3 Votes)
- One Hundred and One or more (2%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 89

Zero of course
Yes, I got 0. I don’t buy crap.
Mike is buying all the “the” new gtlds he can.
3 number domains other than .com are pretty much useless except for “123” or “888” or similar.
Andrew Rosener buy 420.xyz , looks very funny, and seems like paid advertisement deal. Average Joe will see .xyz being registered by Andrew Rosener with Bin 10k , will push average Joe to reg names. Same O SAME CRAPOLA. But in reality this aint even worth 50 $ let alone the BIN.
I was so looking forward to registering abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw.xyz, but it was reserved!
Zero, of course.
I don’t buy bubble junk ….lol …
ZERO and I don’t intent to register any