Behold : Our first 3 XYZ purchases!



There’s a time to break the mold and rediscover all that had been lost.

Having moved on with the times, it’s never too late to look deep into one’s psyche and seek those happy moments in life.

Many years ago, when things were not “online”, they were definitely “on air.”

Sounds were electrifying and images were seen on grainy, analogue tv sets, or swapped via diskettes in the mail.

So it’s time to go back to our roots; the big hair and the torn jeans, the bandanna worn around the wrist, the skull and crossbones pedants.

We got ourselves 3 XYZ albums, with an elusive one to go.

XYZ, quite possibly the most underrated big hair rock band formed in the 80’s, produced these amazing albums:

If you’re a former metalhead, this is a must XYZ purchase! 😀

For more info, visit the Official XYZ page. Rock on!


The very best XYZ you can get for $28 bucks.

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved.


5 Responses to “Behold : Our first 3 XYZ purchases!”
  1. I hope Larry Page is reading this.

  2. DomainGang says:

    SoFreeDomains : $28 well spent 😀

  3. Hire Domains says:

    Hey ya gotta get some stuff by Jackyl …….. Long Haired Hillbillies that rock it well
    Maybe I will name my new band Dot Info ?

  4. Shaun says:

    Great acquisitions! May you be transformed into the XYZ butterfly you always admired to be.

  5. Is it weird I remember this band?

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