A potential domain buyer is in complete shock, after their “generous” $50 dollar offer for a premium domain name was politely rejected.
Murphy Peters of Tempe, Arizona, is livid, and wants the entire domain industry to change.
“Squatters, plain and simple, every time I think of a good name, I check the .com and some schmuck owns it. So I try my best, and offer them a reasonable amount of cold cash,” says Murphy Peters, a real estate broker.
“I have some pretty darn good ideas too, domains like table.com, success.com, or spoon.com or even cameltoes.com are all taken – they want thousands of dollars for the domains!” exclaims Peters.
Existing domain owners holding onto premium domain names for decades, are seen as “squatters” or “extortionists” by many uninitiated to the domain investing game.

Domain cash offer – take it or leave it. Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash
Not so fast, says industry lawyer, Rufus Badcock:
“Our experience with domain name investors is that yes, they are generally in touch with reality and seek to be compensated for their digital assets’ worth; however, that does not go well with potential buyers, who often attempt to threaten these premium asset holders. We take such threats very seriously, and advise our clients to pursue legal action if they are threatened by obsessing and harassing individuals that demand their domain names.”
Murphy Peters isn’t taking the rejection of his $50 dollar offer all too well, and wants the industry to shut down such practices.
“I will lobby Congress to pass legislation banning all passive domain holding, if a domain isn’t used by a company it should be free to register. I am not going to let go until my opinion becomes law,” says Peters, adding: “You are going down, domain cybersquatters!”
If you receive an offer from Murphy Peters for your premium domain name, just sell it for $50 or less – you might end up in deep waters if you don’t. Your only other option is to hire Rufus Badcock as your attorney and strike back.
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i’da took his $50 but i was afraid it woulda put me in a higher tax bracket.