Merry Christmas and a Happy Domaining to all!

It’s December 25th and an important holiday to many of us. When I was a kid, Christmas meant a few things that remained standard:

No school, time with friends and close family, and time to visit or get visited by extended family. Of course, having lots of good food and special desserts that were abundant. We went to church and everything was planned and delivered by the adults; us kids were simply observers of life.

Now, as adults, the game is flipped. Christmas and the extended holidays are our obligation to ensure they are experienced smoothly by others. Kids are our observers and we better take it easy, yet deliver what’s expected of us: Nobody wants to disappoint a child on Christmas.

The holidays at the end of the year are an opportunity to reflect on life, our life and that of others. Those that are still with us, and those that are gone. Friends and family are now more important than ever, so thinking of that alongside the domain investing adventure is a key reminder about the most precious gift: time.

Happy Holidays to everyone. Be kind, be giving.

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One Response to “Merry Christmas and a Happy Domaining to all!”
  1. Todd says:

    You did another fantastic at Domain Gang in 2023. I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024.

    (I went to a Greek Orthodox growing up, I’m half Albanian, so I can relate a little.)

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