A Photoshop guide: How Rick made it to Domainfest
Posted by DomainGang on February 2, 2011, at 12:41 am
It would be fantastic if Rick Schwartz had *really* made it to Domainfest yesterday 😀
Rick possesses a footprint in the domain industry unparalleled by any other domainer, including Frank Schilling and Dr. Kevin Ham (The man who owns the Internet.)
Domainfest, the west coast domainer event, kicked off and so far it has been declared a big success by many of its attendants.
So how did we make it possible for Rick Schwartz to attend Domainfest?
Here’s a quick and dirty step by step guide – enjoy 😀
Start with the original picture of Rick Schwartz from TRAFFIC 2008 (thanks, DNJournal!)
Select the podium TRAFFIC logo area and fill with white
Paste in the Domainfest event logo, shift it over to the left to make it more believable
Select the area around and behind Rick - the TRAFFIC background needs to go
Delete it!
Paste in a picture from Santa Monica
Blur the Santa Monica background to achieve a focused effect and add depth of field!
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You are amazing.
CIA needs you.
The domain King wears a different Rolex, different day, no?
BullS – This is Wikileaks stuff 😀
Uzoma – Yes, a different Rolex per conference.
Man-he is getting younger too!!
could you take away the goatie and add a little tash, dr. robert mugabe style? lol
Please add a guide about how to turn a pigeonshit domain into a valuable one !!
BullS – Rick’s quality domains keep him young.
SPK – Rick will be publishing a book soon and I’m sure an entire chapter will cover your question.
Haha, this proves to be of good value to my business 😉