Seven with Sedo: DMON, ATTM, JNOW, and more LLLL .com domains in auction

Sedo, our kind sponsor, is holding an auction of four letter (LLLL) .com domain names; the week-long auction takes place from September 5th to September 12th, 2024.

A total of 217 domain names are included in the auction that required all domains to be listed with a low 99 (USD/EUR/GBP) reserve.

From that list, we picked 7 domain names for this edition of “Seven with Sedo.” Neither Sedo, or the domain sellers had anything to do with our selection below:

  • – A 1999 registration, this appears to be a demon of a domain.
  • – A nice acronym taken in several extensions, registered in 2016.
  • – Letter plus three letter word? Sign me up! A 20 year old domain.
  • – Great, clean letters are easy to pronounce as one syllable.
  • – Registered in 2004, this one starts with “A” and ends with “WTF.”
  • – Nice letters that contain repeated consonants or Korea.
  • – Want to be a UK SPy? This is your chance.

View the full inventory of LLLL .com domains in auction.

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