#Sedo : Domain sales report | September 17, 2024 — Solutions.com sold for $415,000 dollars

Sedo domain sales report: Top sale is Solutions.com that was sold for $415,000 dollars. That top sale was brokered by Mark Ghoriafi of Sedo.

Welcome to the latest domain sales report by Sedo; this time we cover the week ending on September 17, 2024. This information has been provided by Sedo.com, kind sponsors of DomainGang.

The Sedo marketplace sells great domains 24/7 providing a great service.

This report contains 1 domain sold at six figures and 4 domains sold for five figures USD, as seen below – dot .com only:

solutions.com 415,000 USD
montex.com 30000 USD
tipless.com 15000 USD
undressed.com 12500 USD
boysclub.com 11250 USD

Sales prices are listed in USD and also in EUR or GBP, but are converted in USD for ranking purposes.

Further down the list, some solid sales of .com domain names, for amounts between $2,000 dollars and $9,999 dollars:

modestyblaise.com 9995 USD
digitalwerk.com 9500 EUR
uscamps.com 8000 USD
ucuzbilet.com 7985 USD
madhya.com 6000 USD
conveytech.com 5000 USD
bed1.com 4799 USD
marui.com 4000 USD
generationpower.com 3926 USD
sosrestoration.com 3270 USD
berlinhouse.com 3000 EUR
displaypros.com 3000 USD
propertycoaching.com 2995 USD
syntaxworks.com 2850 USD
yogapros.com 2700 EUR
purafill.com 2700 USD
akeeko.com 2680 USD
bookyourguide.com 2500 EUR
vsglobal.com 2500 EUR
gameangels.com 2500 EUR
pinkycandy.com 2500 USD
prmptengineer.com 2500 USD
softglobal.com 2500 USD
med-med.com 2295 USD
zimin.com 2200 EUR
createwith.com 2150 EUR
pennyplay.com 2000 USD
coinpeople.com 2000 USD

This week’s Sedo sales report continues with reported ccTLD sales, with all domains sold in the four figure range:

byte.de 9500 EUR
balcony.co 7500 USD
coupon.co.uk 6700 GBP
eladestation.de 5000 EUR
amazina.de 5000 EUR
athena.fi 3888 USD
therapien.de 3450 EUR
pinktv.rs 3000 EUR
tmat.eu 2999 EUR
dtt.ch 2990 EUR
art.ar 2500 EUR
pricehub.co.uk 2499 GBP
babynames.de 2380 EUR

Lastly, this week’s domain sales report from Sedo provides sales of other types of TLDs, with 1 domain sold in the five figure range.

catalog.org 11800 USD
immo.club 3000 USD
closers.net 3000 USD
news247.org 2499 USD

This concludes the latest domain sales report from our kind sponsor, Sedo.com.

Statement from Sedo: This public report does not include confidential sales many of which exceed the values of our publicly reported sales. Also, only public sales of 2,000 USD and up are included in this report.

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