#Sedo : Domain sales report | September 24, 2024 — Aerotermia.es sold for 14,000 euro

Sedo domain sales report: Top sale is Aerotermia.es that was sold for 14,000 Euro ($15,586 dollars).

Welcome to the latest domain sales report by Sedo; this time we cover the week ending on September 24, 2024. This information has been provided by Sedo.com, kind sponsors of DomainGang.

The Sedo marketplace sells great domains 24/7 providing a great service.

This report contains 1 domain sold for five figures USD, as seen below – dot .com only:

vepo.com 13,900 EUR

Sales prices are listed in USD and also in EUR or GBP, but are converted in USD for ranking purposes.

Further down the list, some solid sales of .com domain names, for amounts between $2,000 dollars and $9,999 dollars:

sunnystep.com 9000 USD
injectco.com 7495 USD
runcalendar.com 5995 USD
semfi.com 5900 EUR
optiflex.com 5880 EUR
hotelnazionale.com 5500 USD
worklifeharmony.com 5199 USD
pridebeach.com 5000 EUR
bluetronix.com 5000 EUR
buckeyeridge.com 4995 USD
safeslide.com 4995 USD
hepbet.com 4995 USD
rolfkipp.com 4800 USD
stroopwafel.com 4500 EUR
overdues.com 4000 GBP
lopfi.com 3888 USD
rushtogo.com 3600 USD
mmom.com 3500 USD
jetxpress.com 3445 USD
alcoffee.com 3300 EUR
easygrease.com 3111 USD
monolist.com 3000 GBP
oeve.com 3000 USD
softwaregmbh.com 2888 USD
customvilla.com 2799 USD
oxforddata.com 2500 USD
peixes.com 2499 USD
mochibutt.com 2250 USD
openeditor.com 2000 USD

This week’s Sedo sales report continues with reported ccTLD sales, with 1 domain sold in the five figure range:

aerotermia.es 14000 EUR
alfo.de 4980 EUR
truckbuddy.de 4300 EUR
giftwrap.co 3299 USD
fuel.eu 3000 EUR
happymoment.de 2500 EUR
devolutions.eu 2500 EUR
speedbox.eu 2499 EUR
removify.eu 2480 EUR
api.co.in 2299 USD
redacted.gg 2050 GBP
alplift.ch 2000 EUR
mit-dir.de 2000 EUR

Lastly, this week’s domain sales report from Sedo provides sales of other types of TLDs, with 1 domain sold in the five figure range.

narita.net 10000 USD
ferry.travel 5750 EUR
sns.net 5000 USD
orlandohotels.org 4100 USD
patiomaravillas.net 3000 USD
pcb.shop 2800 USD

This concludes the latest domain sales report from our kind sponsor, Sedo.com.

Statement from Sedo: This public report does not include confidential sales many of which exceed the values of our publicly reported sales. Also, only public sales of 2,000 USD and up are included in this report.

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