10 Fake Domain News Headlines

CNBC has this widget that displays article headlines that resemble real news. These aren’t real news, however, they are marketing copy generated to look like real stories.

The content involves the following elements: A person, typically young, overcomes some obstacle in life and gains financial success. Their age varies but they are usually portrayed as young and with general qualities that Joe or Jane next door would possess.

Here’s what these headlines look like:

That got us thinking: Why not feed these examples to ChatGPT and ask it to generate similar headlines, albeit related to the domain name industry? 🙂

Here you go – these are 10 fake domain news headlines about successful domain entrepreneurs that never happened!

  • Flipping domains since he was 29, this entrepreneur now makes $15k/month: “I still don’t know what DNS stands for”
  • With her domain parking side hustle, 32-year-old mom builds a $200k/year business: “My kids think I just play on the computer all day”
  • GoDaddy auctions fund a 29-year-old’s six-figure income: “I only work when the auction page loads”
  • After buying expired domains at 25, this digital nomad struck gold: “I bought ‘potatoinbusiness.com’ and it changed my life”
  • A Netflix binge session helped a 34-year-old launch a domain empire: “I just regged ‘DairyQueensEmpire.com,’ who wants in?”
  • At 23, she turned domain flipping into a six-figure career: “I told my parents I work in ‘digital real estate’—now they think I sell houses”
  • This 31-year-old cashed in $75,000 with a single domain: “My boss still thinks I work in customer service”
  • Misspelling pays off for 29-year-old domain investor: “I make $50k a year from typos like ‘Googleeeeeee.com’”
  • Discovering expired domains led this 35-year-old to a $120k/year business: “I work 5 minutes a day—unless it’s renewal season”
  • $12 and a dream—how a 28-year-old turned it into a six-figure domain business: “My friends laughed at ‘SandwichHamEmporium.com’—who’s laughing now?”
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2 Responses to “10 Fake Domain News Headlines”
  1. BullS says:

    dudh…falls into the family of BullShitWebsites.com

    yea yea sure…I believe everything on the internet

  2. Don W. says:

    “Misspelling pays off for 29-year-old domain investor: “I make $50k a year from typos like ‘Googleeeeeee.com’”

    Currently rooming with his cellmate named Lanham.

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