We have a winner in the Presidential US Elections in 2024, as far as candidates’ domains go.
Multiple sources mention that Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, has selected Minnesota governor, Tim Walz, as her running VP mate.
Thus ends the speculation about the best suited domain for the Democrats: HarrisWalz.com.
That domain is (naturally) taken already; a company called Communer is offering to sell the domain HarrisWalz.com, along with several others, for $15,000 dollars.
According to Communer.com:
At Communer, we have brands for sale, not just domain names. Don’t buy a “brand name” from a domain name marketplace only to find out that you can’t legally use it. Buy a registered trademark, knowing that you’re buying the legal right to use a brand name.
We aren’t certain how accurate these claims are, however; there is no registered trademark for “Harris Walz” that we could find.
The company promises to deliver the goods as soon as money is paid to its escrow.
Alternatively, you can pay $125,000 dollars to acquire HarrisWalz2024.com.
Copyright © 2024 DomainGang.com · All Rights Reserved.Update: NPR has posted an article on the seller of the domain name, who casually refers to himself as a “cybersquatter” of political domain names. The domain now shows “Out of stock” and it might have been sold.
NPR has posted an article on the seller of the domain name, who casually refers to himself as a “cybersquatter” of political domain names.