Domain Days Dubai 2024: and in auction

The Domain Days Dubai 2024 event is now just 39 days away, with excitement building up due to last year’s success.

Domain Days Dubai is a premium DG sponsor.

The event is attracting global interest and in recent weeks it has revealed parts of its agenda, with speakers covering technology and domain names along with new trends that (presumably) include AI.

If you’re a hardcore domain investor, there is another side to the event to be excited about, the DDD2024 Domain Auction.

Sponsored by industry veterans, RightOfTheDot(tm) the domain auction includes three major geo-domains that are of extreme interest to the Middle East & Africa region (MEA):


These are top-notch geodomains that should attract many bidders to the auction. Many more domain names are expected to be added soon.

Register for DDD2024 now.

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