Domainers Fight on Black Friday

Black FridayBruce Marler pumped both fists in the air. “It finally loaded,” he shouted.

Bruce is among the many domainers waiting more than three hours for pages to load while he tries to register domain names today.

“It’s insane,” he says with a glazed look in his eyes. “Me and Chef Patrick have been waiting since 3am this morning to register the new line of .me domains. The page finally loaded and I am on page two of checkout.”

Other domainers were not so lucky.

“I got mauled.” Aron Meystedt, owner of and stated. He sits quietly on a bench with bandages wrapped around his head. “Some guy in a Rick Latona mask broke into my house and smashed me & my PC trying to get to my $4.99 GoDaddy coupon.”

At Google headquarters, the line extended around the block based off a “prank” initiated by Yahoo for free adsense promotion. Meanwhile, thousands watch the madness from Google Earth as the same scenario repeated itself across various internet corporate locations.

Some domainers prefer to skip the madness.

“Me and Arbel Arif just phone our bids in.” Morgan Linton of shrugs. “It is the same way every year: slow loading pages, fights over domain coupons and anonymous name calling in chats. So, we just phone our Sedo bids in.”

Linton says the key to successful domaining on Black Friday is to think ‘offline’. For instance, in addition to phone bidding you can:

  • Register domains by snail mail
  • Use domain coupons by telegraph
  • Post to message boards over a TDD phone

“You just have to think outside the box to get through the day,” He says smiling while uploading his latest video to YouTube via a modified microwave.

Domain Gang wishes you all a safe and happy Black Friday!

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7 Responses to “Domainers Fight on Black Friday”
  1. Arbel says:

    Great Post… 🙂 🙂

    Thank you for the link.


  2. Giovanni "Crazee" Mossolini says:

    Glad you liked it, Arbel. 🙂

  3. Chef Patrick says:

    Heck yea, can’t beleive I got Worth that long wait in line! 🙂

  4. Morgan says:

    Haha – I like it! Hope everyone had a great Turkey day!!

  5. Bruce Marler says:

    LOL, you ain’t gettin no deal on Patrick!

  6. Bonkers says:

    WHY Did you back down. Does back down after a major news website posts their article as true?

    Granted when you first started posting I thought you were “real” then like a smart person.

    Apologize to only the smart peopler of the world (HINT: Domainers are not smart).

    It was a great gag, Registrar going offline to Forum going offline.

    Sorry to see you fall victim to the ass holes who call them selves “domainers”

    Now you know why the rest of the world calls us ALL scumbags.

    PS We are scumbags. Look at [edited] for a perfect example of stupid.

    PSS You probably won’t have the guts to leave my comment up since it is true.

  7. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Bonkers – the issue is not “backing down”. If I had been around when the article was produced, I would have never let it be published without certain edits in the first place; it was the work of an associate writer who obviously utilized a different approach to what constitutes a humorous post.

    It was a slip-up; albeit one of rather large proportions. So we had to make amends.

    We are not here to bombard you with “fake news” – the function of DomainGang is entertainment and provocation of thought. So, out of 143 articles currently in DomainGang, one so happened to push the envelope from the wrong angle.

    Admitting one’s mistakes should be appreciated, not looked down upon. Because this means we can continue offering quality humor, without such incidents casting a cloud over our industry and its members.

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