DropCatch is innovative; the biggest sole drop-catcher of domains in the known cosmos runs on a great user interface, and is constantly improving.
Believe it or not, the latest improvement involves changing a single letter: the lower case “l.”
Often confused for a capital “I” the lower case “l” can make or break a domain auction’s outcome.
Is lraq.com the same as Iraq.com? Obviously not, yet some people have bid thousands of dollars on the wrong variant.
Very recently, DropCatch changed the font used for its domain lists and active auctions to the distinguished IBM Plex Sans, a beautiful font that gives “l” its natural lower tail.
This way, the lower case “l” will never be confused for a capital “I” again, particularly in domains that don’t get automatic capitalization of each word:
Many thanks to David for the tip.
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That’s great news. Sometimes I even typed the domain name in the browser to see if the auction is indeed for the domain name I want to bid on, just to make sure. Big improvement in my view. 🙂
It was typically a three step verification process to bid on domains before, but when I saw TraceI, that looked like I landed on a hot typo in my niche, the rulebook was thrown out. And at the moment I git the $300 bill (which could’ve easily gone into the 1000s) is when I knew I messed up. Luckily, it’s not that bad of a domain and still has ROI potential as it is a variant of the first name “Tracy”/”Tracey”.