Duped by a prank: Backiink.com did not cost $1,000,000 to acquire

The domain name BackLINK.com was not sold for $1,000,000 dollars; our coverage of that event has been removed as inaccurate.

Ilias Ism, co-founder of MagicSpace SEO, a marketing agency in Switzerland, announced the supposed acquisition of what appeared to be the aforementioned domain.

The fact is, that no such acquisition took place—instead, Mr. Ism hand-registered the domain Backiink.com and has pointed it to his company’s web site, LinkDR.com.

We fell for this classic “prank” of intentionally using an upper case “i” in place of a lower case “L” which can have dire implications in malicious phishing attacks. Let this be a lesson to anyone, when a domain name is touted as something that isn’t; always examine the domain using a tool that discerns between UPPER and lower cases of text, comparing the two.

Backlink.com is an independent service that may have an interest, at this point, to determine whether its brand is being abused. Good luck, Mr. Ilias Ism.

Kudos: George Kirikos.

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