The news of the day, once again, revolve around Frank Schilling’s Domain Name Sales venue, and its latest extension service for domainers, DNS^2.
Pronounced “DNS Squared“, the service will be open to the general public very soon.
“So many parties are interested in the exact domain sales that are achieved on our platform, daily” said Frank.
“DNJournal ran out of listing space, as a matter of fact, Ron told me that he had to work two extra days per week to complete the listings!” exclaimed Frank, smiling.
As explained by Frank, the introduction of DNS^2 is essentially “Domain Name Sales sales.”
Instead of following silly, useless lists of price quotes, domain investors will now have the full information of sales at DNS via an easily accessible web site.
“DNS Squared isn’t attempting to be a substitute for the great work Ron Jackson does at DNJournal, a feat that is then duly copied by various bloggers,” said Frank Schilling.
“It’s just going to be the official source of information of sales, via the Domain Name Sales platform. I hope it makes sense!” exclaimed Frank, while on his way to Gstaad, Switzerland.
DNS^2 will hopefully alleviate the workload of Ron Jackson, and will severely multiply that of those who simply copy & paste weekly listings of sales at Sedo, Afternic and NameJet.
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