In a little over three months, the .co registry will open its gates to the general public.
Touted as the dyslexic man’s alternative to .com, the Colombian registry plans to introduce this ccTLD to the world.
But do you really have to wait if you’re royalty?
Not so, according to a lawsuit filed at the Royal Court of Morocco.
The King of Morocco and his royal subject, IP attorney Mustafa Raileh al Mamunya are suing to secure a very valuable asset to the kingdom.
“We cannot allow a foreign nation to take control of our name, our heritage, our history, via an act so exploiting and vicious”, said attorney Mustafa Raileh al Mamunya. “They have no right whatsoever to auction, sell or promote as available the holy name of Morocco”.
The King of Morocco is obviously after the domain hack, – the shortest possible combination of letters that would appeal to millions of citizens of this ancient African kingdom – with a long tradition in decorative art, architecture and brutal beheadings.
Although Morocco already has its own ccTLD which is .ma, they are obviously eager to get hold of the domain name before any domain speculators grab it.
“Extortion shall be met with extreme, swift action from the Kingdom of Morocco, and we will take it upon local and international law to ensure our heritage, bestowed upon us by God, shall remain in the hands of the King Mohammed of Morocco, praise God!”, added attorney Mustafa Raileh al Mamunya, shaking a gold yatagan around.
This is not the first time that a nation attempts to wrestle away a domain, utilizing a method other than a UDRP at the WIPO; a few weeks ago, as we reported, King Oyo of the Kingdom of Toro resorted to ancient voodoo practices to reclaim his namesake .com
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