Images and video of “Naked Athena,” a woman in Portland wearing nothing but a hat and face mask, made it on social media.
The woman walked calmly into the crossing of an intersection, her naked body facing an iron clad federal police force. The ensuing imagery show her in various poses, from sitting on the ground with legs open, to standing up in a pirouette – streaks of blood marking her leg.
The media named the unknown woman Naked Athena, although the Greek goddess of wisdom was never depicted naked. Unlike Aphrodite, Athena was quite prudent, going as far as to blind the man who witnessed her taking a bath.
Naturally, the event was memorable enough for someone to register the domain name and offer it for sale at GoDaddy.
Domain investors following Twitter trends via hashtags jump in to register domain names related to ongoing events.
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Sharon Stone flashed her clam at the Police Station in 1992.