Domainer Shane Cultra turns 41 today. So does the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.
By an incredible celestial alignment, Shane Cultra of was born on the very day that the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong uttered the famous words “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
That was on July 20th, 1969 – meanwhile, there are no records of what Shane Cultra’s first words of that day were.
We’d like to wish Shane a very happy birthday with a special present – his very own Apollo 11 Moon Landing picture.
And the 1st word that comes out of Shane’s mouth(not poops) but the word “nursery”
The nicest present I’ve received all day. Thank you
Shane, it was fun making it
Did you click on it for the full size?
Happy Birthday to you Handsome…
Hope you have a great day..
I’ll post this on FB also…
~Patricia Kaehler – DomainBELL
Here’s a Virtual Birthday Cake For You
That big one is fantastic. It’s going on my facebook page right now
Totally cool!
Shane really looks the part!
Happy 43rd, old man
Even in the second rendition, its still my favorite present of the day. Thank you again
I somehow think this will end up on Shane’s wiki page someday.