PowerOutage.us: Dot .US domain outranks the matching .com

Hurricane Ian has brought a lot of rain and devastation to Florida, and Central Florida barely managed to evade its wrath.

Squall after squall, the hurricane dumped water and brought strong winds everywhere, filling up banks, rivers and lakes. As it’s currently exiting into the Atlantic, there’s still a lot of dangerous terrain ahead.

We did not lose power but didn’t get much sleep either. Everything held up as expected and we’re blessed to be in this position; many others were not as lucky and many lost power. Community recovery will begin as soon as the waters recede.

PowerOutage.us is  a resource tracking power outage in the US specifically. Its creators, Bluefire Studios, created the web site to provide live data on power outage and power loss across multiple electrical grid operators in local regions:

PowerOutage.us collects, records, and aggregates live power outage data from utilities all over the United States, with the goal to create the single most reliable and complete source of power outage information available.

It’s interesting to note that when searching for “power outage” via Google, the .US ranks as the 3rd organic result, behind only two major TV networks that always fixate on storms and hurricanes in Florida, and it outranks the matching .com domain, PowerOutage.com.

The fact that a dot .US domain outranks the “generic” .com isn’t surprising; given the keyword clout that the domain name PowerOutage.us has acquired over years of active presence.

However, PowerOutage.com is also operated by BlueFire Studios, that appear to have acquired it via Afternic in June of 2018. 🙂 There are no records of its sale on NameBio.

For the most up to date information on power loss and power outage, visit PowerOutage.us.

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