#Sedo : Domain sales report | July 16, 2024 — FG.org sold for $95,000 dollars

Sedo domain sales report: Top sale is FG.org that was sold for $95,000 dollars.

Welcome to the latest domain sales report by Sedo; this time we cover the week ending on July 16, 2024. This information has been provided by Sedo.com, kind sponsors of DomainGang.

The Sedo marketplace sells great domains 24/7 providing a great service.

This report contains 2 domains sold for five figures USD, as seen below – dot .com only:

melwin.com 33000 USD
yardwork.com 22501 USD

Sales prices are listed in USD and also in EUR or GBP, but are converted in USD for ranking purposes.

Further down the list, some solid sales of .com domain names, for amounts between $2,000 dollars and $9,999 dollars:

familyphotos.com 9999 USD
11v.com 8000 USD
mrbrownie.com 7250 EUR
insidequad.com 5750 USD
gamingexperts.com 5000 USD
trixer.com 4900 EUR
recolift.com 4200 USD
cashfuse.com 3710 USD
kturn.com 3000 USD
implication.com 2507 GBP
furryai.com 2215 USD
vastlinks.com 2000 USD

This week’s Sedo sales report continues with reported ccTLD sales, with 1 domain sold in the five figure range:

iss.io 19780 USD
things.in 9500 USD
patent.co.uk 6750 GBP
flp.in 4500 EUR
infuse.in 4313 GBP
tme.co.in 3900 USD
thefrankieshop.de 3850 EUR
directgroup.eu 3500 EUR
cofim.de 2990 EUR
kbeauty.de 2750 EUR
gogroup.de 2750 EUR
pudu.eu 2599 EUR
erkennedichselbst.de 2500 EUR
cannabis-express.de 2500 EUR
curver.cn 2500 USD
dzs.ch 2380 EUR
naturwohnen.de 2380 EUR
voxpop.ai 2195 USD

Lastly, this week’s domain sales report from Sedo provides sales of other types of TLDs, with 2 domains sold in the five figure range.

fg.org 95000 USD
travelful.net 75000 EUR
profile.pro 6942 USD
wemap.net 4900 USD
truong.net 3000 USD
northernontario.org 2500 EUR

This concludes this week’s domain sales report from our kind sponsor, Sedo.com.

Statement from Sedo: This public report does not include confidential sales many of which exceed the values of our publicly reported sales. Also, only public sales of 2,000 USD and up are included in this report.

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