How much is an “action verb” domain worth as a .com?
According to its seller’s brokerage, Grit Brokerage, that’s a “buy it now” of $1.8 million dollars.
But if you had $1.8 million would you spend it on a domain without knowing what it is?
Taking a different approach to domain brokering, Grit simply lists the features of the domain:
- One syllable, verb and extremely popular word
- 22+ year old domain that has never been marketed for sale
- Very positive connotation, amazing empty vessel brand
- Previously used by a large company and retains SEO value (Ahrefs 60+ domain rating and thousands of strong backlinks, many of which are from high authority publications)
Their contract dictates that they cannot openly share the domain name, but qualified buyers can reach out at Grit.
How would one qualify though, would they need to put money in escrow or show their bank account balances? Definitely a novel approach that might increase interest in this unnamed domain.
why would someone pay $1.8 million for a single unknown domain when they can buy a surprise box of a dozen unknown domains from me for $150. and i’ll even guarantee that one of them is NOT jump.