LookFor: World’s dumbest app uses a ccTLD for its viral spread

Ever looked for your friends in a concert, mall crowd, or other large gathering of people?

Did you try to find your buddies during NamesCon and they were somewhere in a group of 900 attendees? (Hey, Konstantinos where the hell are you?)

The human eye cannot pinpoint fine facial details when overloaded with similar information. That’s why we wear colored clothes or tag our black luggage with a bright pink ribbon.

But how do you do that when you find yourself lost in a crowd of people?

Simple: use the world’s dumbest app, LookFor.


The LookFor app offers a selection of bright colors that fully occupy your device’s screen, which then blinks repeatedly. All you have to do, is hold it up to catch anyone’s attention.

According to the web site LookFor.cla Chilean ccTLD – the LookFor app works rather well in these situations:

  • Finding friends in packed concerts and music festivals (Beta tested at Coachella!)
  • Instantly locating saved seats in a movie theater
  • Being found in large outdoor crowds
  • Flagging down a delivery vehicle
  • Hailing a taxi

Does it work? We don’t know, but we’ll find out. 😀

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