Sedo abducts Lucius – Hides him in Boston HQ

BREAKING NEWS: DomainGang writer extraordinaire, Lucius “Guns” Fabrice has been missing since yesterday. This is staff writer Bob kindly asking anyone with concrete information about his disappearance to get in touch.

According to the latest information, Lucius has been abducted by the very kind and ultra-professional Sedo personnel and he’s been forced to have a great time at the Sedo headquarters in Boston – apparently against his will.

Sedo HQ during the abduction of Lucius

While we are processing further photographic evidence, it’s obvious that after indulging in a grand tour of the remarkably neo-industrial Sedo headquarters, Lucius was given several glasses of champagne, before he was taken on a three hour boat cruise where more drinks were consumed.

There are further rumors about Lucius consuming mass quantities of seafood aboard the ship, where the crew and other Sedo tour participants and associates had an unnaturally great time – something that poor Lucius is not used to indulging into – not to mention, going to an after-hours party for more drinks and scrumptious food.

A view of Cambridge from Lucius' room - but where is he?

The worst part of all this is the loss of voice that Lucius has sustained – mainly from conversing non-stop with everyone during this Sedo plan to abduct our illustrious editor and keep him forever in the harbors of Boston.

With day two of the Sedo conference starting up, it is unclear when or if Lucius will emerge – or whether more unsuspected attendants will mysteriously disappear after all the speeches, discussions and alcohol-enhanced socializing comes to an end.

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5 Responses to “Sedo abducts Lucius – Hides him in Boston HQ”
  1. tricolorro says:

    “Sedo abducts Lucius…”

    Poor Lucius,

    I hope he remembers the banana peel trick.

  2. Jeff says:

    Staff writer Bob – I think you’re in for a big promotion if Lucius does not return!

  3. BullS says:

    Missing Person.

    AMW will do a show soon–Find Lucius!!!
    If not found, he will lose his memory soon as he forgot to take his medication.
    He also misses his teddy bear and PJ.

    Please, someone-keep an eye out for this 60yrs old man-he is hungry and might be horny too.

    Posters and FindLucius dot info will be out soon.

  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    My friends – it’s ridiculous that Bob’s interest in becoming chief editor has reached such epic proportions.

    I’d like to assure you all that I am alive, well and most importantly sober. I am having a great time at Sedo’s gathering and will bring with me, upon my return plenty of photography and some Boston chowder.

  5. BullS says:


    Don’t forget your friends like me that make you rich and famous. You need to share the bounty$$$$ with me

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